Commercial Grade Carports range in width up to 100 Feet Wide
Clear Span Open Truss Commercial Grade Carports
Our enter locking truss system provides superior strength and resiliency that you would expect in a Metal Building of commercial quality.
Clear Span Steel Buildings come in standard widths 32′,40′,50′,60′ Wide special order widths 80 to 100 feet wide allow at least 1 day for quoting special length and width sizes
Special order lengths up to 200 feet and longer
Walk in Doors are $185 each installed
12 Gauge Framing is available for an upgrade
Buildings are able to be purchased with roof only as a carport, and sides open, or as a garage, with side and ends enclosed
Windows are 30×30 for $150 dollars each installed
Gable Ends ….$480 for 32’ to 40’ wide
$600 for 42’to 50’ wide
$720 for 52’ to-60’wide
Center Heights of buildings are based on a 3 on 12 pitch
Example: on a 6’ vertical side leg building that is 32’ wide the center height of the building is 10’ to the bottom of the truss.
Roof Trusses on 32 wide are just under two feet in width.
Prices Below Include Delivery and Installation:
Price Examples On Open Span Commercial Buildings:
1.) 32’ wide x 20’ long x 6’vertical side leg Clear Span without any enclosure, roof only $4,750
2.) 32’ wide x 30 long x 6’ 6’vertical side leg Clear Span without any enclosure roof only $6,770
3.) 32’ wide x 30 long x 6’ 6’vertical side leg Clear Span with sides, and ends enclosed and one 8×7 commercial Garage door & one walk in door for $11,955
4.) 32’ wide x 40’ long x 16’ foot tall side Leg with one 12×12 roll up door, built and enclosed as a Garage on ends and sides for $20,800. Price includes delivery & installation
5.) 36′ X 40′ Commercial Building Price $ 9680 + Side Leg Height ( 10 Feet )$ 1200 for 12 Guage ( 40 L )$ 1100 + Both Sides enclosed at $ 1630 + Walk-In Door 36×80 (1)$ 185 + Closed Ends (Front End)$ 2480 + Closed End (Rear End) $ 2480 + 10 x 10 Garage Doors (1)$ 450 = Total Price $ 19,205
-20 year warranty on our roofing materials
Engineering Plans Available for Zoning & Planning